Helvey International USA, Inc. have a sales force on the ground in Mexico, Venezuela, Columbia, Peru, Ecuador, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Libya, Tanzania, Nigeria, Congo, Saudi Arabia, India, South Africa, and Japan. Our goal is to supply our customers with exactly what they need and to do that we want to fully understand the mindset our clients are coming from. Helvey International USA, Inc. is currently working on contracts in 14 different countries negotiating a full range of services including; supplying the HDR series drilling rigs, providing legal counsel on drilling proposals, operation of drilling rigs, managing a full scope drilling program, consultation on synthetic fuel plants and sequestration of carbon dioxide. When asked, Helvey has the capability of bringing to fruition plans that go beyond the rig manufacturing and into virtually every segment of the oil and gas industry. However, prior to discussing these other areas it must be understood that our focus is building drilling rigs and it is not our desire to focus on other ultra lucrative segments of the industry where the best interest of all parties involved becomes clouded through visions of massive potential profits. We understand the oil and gas industry and understand our role and it is through that understanding we help our clients most. Helvey International USA, Inc. has a long held belief that countries with oil and gas reserves who have a state run oil company can achieve energy independence within 3 to 5 years with the proper oil and gas governmental guidelines, an education and training program that takes advantage of a countries most valuable resource, its people and a commitment from an experienced drilling rig operator that can partner with the country to jump start the program. Helvey International will make that commitment if a country invites it to do so.
Energy Independence for a country can be realized by focusing on 5 basic principles.
1. A country must have drilling rigs. Although it is important to bring in outside operators to maximize the amount of oil and gas produced each year, a country defines its own destiny by becoming operators. Additionally, a State Owned Oil Company may choose to lease some of their own rigs to other operators including companies within their own country. Helvey International is committed to becoming the largest drilling rig manufacturer in the world. We can design and supply the drilling rig best suited for the geological formations found in the country.
2. A Country must have the correct policies and procedures that govern the operators drilling in their country to protect their natural resources. Implementing a strong but fair oil and gas policy insures leases are being drilled when promised, Profit Sharing Agreements (PSA) are followed and the environment is protected. Operators of drilling companies must find oil lease opportunities at the lowest possible cost that create situations which allow them to drill at their convenience in the quickest and most efficient way possible. This is not to say that operators are unethical. Operators follow a path that is simply inherent in a business that requires a huge investment with substantial risk Helvey International was created to manufacture rigs. We are not an operating company looking for concessions that allows our focus to be clouded by acquiring ultra lucrative concessions. That said we have the experience to review, help implement or create policy in the best interest of the country and its drilling partners.
3. A country must have an education program designed to take individuals with little or no experience and train them to operate their countries rigs. Traditional operators follow a business plan that takes their best people and moves them with the drilling rigs where ever that might be. This leaves little opportunity for direct participation by the citizens. Helvey International will have a training program at its facility in Oklahoma City, OK, USA. We will train and educate people with little or no experience to college degreed individuals on every aspect of the drilling industry. For some, it may be a 2 to 3 week course on operating Helvey Rigs. Others who have had no exposure to drilling rigs at all may require more prolonged training which could last 2 to 3 months. Individuals will be trained on the drilling rigs that they will be operating in their country.
4. A country must have on-the-job training to further the education of not only those individuals who have been trained to operate Helvey drilling rigs but also help with implementing its policies on oil and gas drilling and training citizens on the overall oil and gas industry from policy to production. Countries must enlist the cooperation of drilling operators who are willing to drill, train and ultimately leave so that the country's Oil and Gas Ministry is self sustaining.
5. A country must partner with a drilling rig operator to insure rapid success in creating a State Owned Oil and Gas Company. Helvey International has a drilling company and will utilize this company to partner with the country providing on-the-job training insuring a seamless transition from Helvey operators to local citizens. This builder/operator mentality allows countries to give up no royalties or leases but simply pay the day rate required to operate the drilling rigs and train their people. Within 3 years Helvey International will reduce its staff to a level dictated by the success of the program and the government's desire for additional consulting.
Understanding the full spectrum of the oil and gas industry makes Michael Helvey unique even in this global industry. Some countries attempting to obtain the most they can from companies wishing to drill may not have the necessary policies in place to protect their natural resources. Helvey commits to guiding a country to energy independence within a given time frame through the purchase of our rigs, training local personnel on the operation of our rigs and using our drilling expertise in partnership with our clients to manage the operation of our rigs. Our commitment to help create and implement policy and provide those services that we are asked to provide, thus giving countries control over their destiny through energy independence, frames the core belief of our business values.